07440 037 219


Price List

Prices vary according to size and the complexity of the style to be achieved. These prices are indicative and may vary according to the condition of the dog, any additional treatments required such as dematting, spa treatments or hand stripping and any special offers or loyalty bonuses that we have available at the time of booking. Not all breeds and types of dog are shown here so contact Cherish Dog Grooming to discuss your requirements.


Wash, Dry and Brush Up      Click for list of services included

Dog Size: From:
Extra Small £20
Small £25
Medium £28
Large £35
Extra Large £55


Cherish Dog Wash and Groom Service      Click for list of services included

Example Breeds: From:
Small smoothed haired dogs for example Pug, Jack Russell, dachshund £25
Small heavy coated dogs for example Pomeranian, Sheltie £30
Medium smooth haired dogs for example Beagle, Manchester Terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Greyhound £35
Medium to Large dogs for example Springer Spaniels  Border Collie, Golden Retriever, Setters .  NB the option of a full groom for these dogs is also available


Large smooth haired dogs for example Boxer, Pointer, Labrador, Weimaraner, Dalmation £45 - £60
(depending on size)
Large full haired dogs for example Rough Collie, Long Haired German Shepherd, Old English Sheepdog (natural) £45 - £60
(depending on size)
Larger Dogs Price on Application


Cherish Full Groom Service      Click for list of services included

Example Breeds: From:
Toy: Yorkshire Terrier £30
Small Dogs : Shih Tzu, Westie, Scottie, Cavalier Spaniel, Cairn, Lhasa Apso, Minature Shnauzer, Bichon Frise, Border Terrier(clipped) £35
Medium Dogs: Cocker Spaniel. Tibetian Terrier, Cockerpoo, , Welsh Terrier, Kerry Blue £40
Large Dogs: Standard Poodle, Standard Schnauzer, Old English Sheepdog, Airedale, Labradoodle, 


Extra Large £60


Cherish Dog Grooming Additional Services:

  • Nail Trimming – £8 ( included in full groom and dog wash and groom service)
  • Paw treatments – from £10
  • Spa Treatments – from £10
  • Microchipping – dogs and cats £15.
  • Handstripping – from a minimum of £30 in addition to the full groom cost.  The price will be confirmed during pre-appointment consultation.
  • Dematting – from a minimum of £10 i for 15 minutes, in addition to the grooming cost. The groomer will limit the time  depending on the tolerance of the dog.  The welfare of the dog during this process is our priority and we can offer kinder alternative solutions to ensure that with regular grooming, your dog looks its best.